{MORGAN}: IN THEIR FREE TIME, STUDENTS ARE MAKING PROGRESS TOWARDS INNOVATION. THEY’RE A PART OF AN INDEPENDENT STUDY IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. THE GOAL IS TO BECOME AN EXPERT IN THE PROGRAMS COMING WITH THE NEW CYBER COLLOBORATORY. ALEXANDER FLOYD, COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJOR SAYS IT’S A BIGGER REACH TO MORE THAN JUST LSUS STUDENTS. {alexander}: we’ve been working with smaller robots trying to prepare for summer camp next summer. We are going to have a bunch of middle and high schoolers come in and we are going to teach them about some basic programming. {MORGAN}: EVERY STUDENT HAS A ROBOT THEY’RE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROGRAMMING TO DO DIFFERENT TASKS. {alexander}: somebody has one that can stand up on its own on two wheels, mine can solve mazes, a few people can have their robots deliver small objects to an object with a certain color. {MORGAN}: CONSTRUCTION ON THE COLLABORATORY IS EXPECTED TO BE FINSIHED SOMETIME NEXT YEAR. BUT THAT DIDN’T STOP THESE MOTIVATED STUDENTS FROM GETTING THE BALL ROLLING. {alexander}: A history student came to our department and asked if we could help him build an app, so one of our collaboratory students is working with him now to bring his idea to life. {MORGAN}: THE COLLABORATORY WILL BE OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS. {alexander}: any student can work with us or they can even come work in the collaboratory. {MORGAN} ALEXANDER SAYS HE’S LOOKING FORWARD TO THE BIG CHANGE. {alexander} I’m just really excited for the collaboratory because I think it can lead to some really great things for our students here. {MORGAN}: AND NOW YOU KNOW, MORGAN PITNER REPORTING ALMAGEST STUDENT NEWS.
by Morgan Pitner