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Campus COVID-19 Testing Dates

From the LSUS Media Department:

With the recent increase in positive case numbers in the region, many of you have inquired about the availability of testing on campus for the remainder of the semester. The Pandemic Action Team has provided the following list of dates:

Campus Testing POD – Relief Telemed

Location: South-side of campus near the Technology Center (Purple Pod)

Available to LSUS Students/Faculty/Staff with a valid LSUS email address

8:00am – 4:00pm

December 7 & 8

December 14 & 15

NOTE: Testing service will resume Jan 11 & 12 when spring classes begin

Drive Thru Testing – LSUHSC

Location: PHC Parking Lot

Available to the General Public

8:00am – 12pm

December 4

December 11

December 18

December 25 – to be determined

For more information on campus testing options please visit

If you have been in direct contact (within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period starting from 2 days before illness onset) with someone who has COVID-19, have symptoms of COVID-19, or have tested positive for COVID-19, you can find instructions for reporting your case at